Helpful Resources

The internet can be a valuable medical resource for patients as well.

Remember, always discuss medical issues with your Physician. Do not attempt to diagnose and treat yourself. Use the information to educate yourself and promote your own health.

Other Resources of Interest

All information, especially that found on the Internet, needs to be evaluated by readers for authority, appropriateness, and other criteria for value. If you find information that is “too good to be true”, it probably is. Never use information that you cannot verify. Question it. Look for other sources that can authenticate or corroborate what you find. A simple guideline is to look at the internet address of the article you are reading. Sites that end in .edu or .gov or .org do lend some authority to content.

Senior's Health

A 24/7 free and confidential resource providing information and resources to seniors experiencing abuse

Support for individuals and families impacted by dementia