All Programs
ANFHT provides a variety of preventative and educational programs.
Each program is presented by an ANFHT health care professional and is available to all rostered patients.
Advanced Care Planning
We have designed this program to assist our patients who have a chronic, life limiting illness. This program helps us advocate our patient’s wishes and to maintain their Quality of Life. We hope to help manage symptoms at all stages of life.
Prenatal and Postpartum Education Program
We provide education and support around breastfeeding, and aim to optimize continuity of care, decrease stress or anxiety around breastfeeding while increasing accessibility to support through home visits and virtual visits.
Learn More About Postpartum Education Program – Breastfeeding Program
Caring for the Caregiver
An information session is held along with individual follow up sessions as needed. The program connects caregivers with community resources for support and strategies to manage stress and improve self care.
Cardiovascular Program
The Registered Nurse will monitor patients’ blood pressure as well as educate about the risks associated with elevated blood pressure.
Concussion Program
We provide early identification and detection by a healthcare provider, and appropriate follow up for patients that are considered high risk following suspected concussion/head injury.
Diabetic Program
This program is offered to our patients that are 18 years of age and older who have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes or Pre-Diabetes.
Diabetes Conversations
This program is offered in a group virtual setting to patients 18 years of age and older who have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes or Pre-Diabetes.
Eating the Mediterranean Way
Our Registered Dietitian will provide education on the principles of the Mediterranean Diet and its role in cardiovascular health promotion.
Falls Prevention
Our Occupation Therapist will complete a falls risk assessment to identify patients 65+ at risk for falls and to provide appropriate intervention to the identified patients in order to reduce future risk of falling.
Adult ADHD Program
This program is facilitated by the Nurse Practitioner, Social Worker, and Occupational Therapist with the goal of providing timely access to ADHD assessments along with different approaches to help manage ADHD symptoms.
Respiratory Health
We provide patients with basic knowledge about COPD and asthma, how to control symptoms, how to reduce triggers related to symptoms, how to avoid exacerbation and when to seek medical attention.
Sexual Health
This program is offered to both males and females in our practice and provides education and counselling on sexually transmitted infections (STI), provides early access to STI testing and treatment of confirmed infections and sexual dysfunction. This program also provides in-depth contraceptive counselling to female/couples, and early point of care pregnancy testing if requested.
Smoking Cessation
We offer smoking cessation treatment and counselling to our patients who wish to quit smoking. Our approach is to use innovative means and various methods to assist patients to become non-smokers and to bring awareness to the health benefits of smoking cessation.
Aging in Place
This program is facilitated by our Occupational Therapist with the goal of helping patients live more safely in their homes.
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