Flu Shots

Be wise—Immunize!

Regular dose and high dose flu shots are now available. 

Please call the office at (905) 898 – 2240 to book an appointment to receive your flu shot. 

After Hours Care

If I am sick after work hours do I have to go to the hospital?

If you think it's an emergency, you should go to the nearest hospital. However, you should be aware that there are several alternatives for you and your family after hours.

For example, our Family Health Team offers extended hours Monday through Thursday and Saturday. We would advise you to call us prior to visiting a clinic.

Telehealth Ontario also provides free access to a registered nurse 24/7 at 1-866-797-0000. A nurse can provide both health advice on a specific concern or general health information. They do not diagnose and do not replace your physician.

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