Quality Improvement
To foster a culture within the Aurora-Newmarket Family Health Team (ANFHT) that encourages and enables all aspects of the organization to reflect on current practices and observed outcomes, and to engage in continuous quality improvement with priorities of patient safety and ready access to effective, seamless patient-centered care.
Mission & Purpose
QHPSC will supervise, coordinate and direct the continuous quality improvement (CQI) and health and safety improvements for the (ANFHT) and their patients.
Quality improvements will be patient-centered and will focus on health and safety, effectiveness, evidence-based best practice and accessibility.
Our Goals & Objectives
Review and recommend methods to improve quality of our programs, procedures, policies and technologies ensuring identification of evidence-based best practices.
Key Indicators
Choose primary care indicators to track that are mandated, useful and feasible.
EMR Procedures
Identify content and documentation procedures for EMR.
Annual QIP
Submit our annual Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) to Ontario Health.
Workplace Health & Patient Safety
Identify, evaluate, educate, train and make recommendations regarding workplace health and patient safety.
Occupational Health & Safety
- To ensure adequate education and training so that all employees are knowledgeable in their rights, restrictions, responsibilities and duties under the Occupational Health and Safety Act
- To address matters related to all Regulations under the Act, including WHMIS and Designated Substances where applicable, and to receive copies of all reports that relate to health and safety issues
- To deal with any occupational health and safety matters that the committee deems appropriate
Accountable to the ANFHT Board of Directors and will report annually and as needed, with minutes distributed to all team members after each meeting.
Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)
Each year the Aurora-Newmarket Family Health Team submits a Quality Improvement Plan to Ontario Health. This plan outlines how we will improve the quality of care provided to our patients in the coming year.
View the latest Quality Improvement Plan.
View Our Programs & Services
View the programs and services that ANFHT has to offer!
Dr. MaryBeth Bourne
Mary-Jane Rodgers
Megan Forbes (Registered Nurse)
Health and Safety Representative
Tara Peel (Nurse Practitioner)
Directives, Program Planning
Peter Nguyen (Quality Improvement Decision Support Specialist)
Data Reporting
Jessica Owen (IT/Administrative Assistant)
Committee Co-ordinator, Health and Safety Representative, Administrative Support
Gordana Dosen (Senior Administrator)
Health and Safety Representative, Administrative Support
Mallory Rotman (Occupational Therapist)
Program Planning
Patient Experience Survey
Click the link to fill out our Patient Experience Survey.
Our Community Partners